06/12/2024 @ Seignosse - FR (Black Flag) w/ Cuero
02/11/2024 @ Gasteiz - EH (Jimmy Jazz) w/ Zeke, The Capaces
11/10/2024 @ Tolosa - EH (Bonberenea) w/ Ohil
21/09/2024 @ Pasaia - EH (Mogambo) w/ Tooth, Kolpeka, Eje, Nork Zerk, Hetze
06/08/2024 @ Gasteiz - EH (Gaztetxe) w/ Sei Sega, Latigazo, Liminal
11/07/2024 @ Baiona - EH (Patxondo)
29/06/2024 @ Barcelona - CAT (La Deskomunal) w/ Antidogmatiks, Dominacion, Animal Farm
28/06/2024 @ Valencia - ES (La Residencia) w/ Pest Control, Zanussi, Amor
17/05/2024 @ Hondarribia - EH (Psilocybenea) w/ Eje, The Capaces
04/05/2024 @ Rennes - FR (Melody Maker) w/ A.T.H.
03/05/2024 @ Saint-Peran - FR (La Fontaine de Brocéliande) w/ Casseurs
30/03/2024 @ Capbreton - FR (Circus) w/ Youth Avoiders, Jodie Faster, Vegan Piranha
24/03/2024 @ Baiona - EH w/ TOC, Nakar, Zetkin, etab.
23/03/2024 @ Abadino - EH (Amaraun Arte Fabrika) w/ Ternura, Worth It, Armarri, Fly Shit
01/03/2024 @ Sopela - EH (Larrabasterrako Auzoetxea) w/ Uther
10/02/2024 @ Beasain - EH (Osin Kafe Antzokia) w/ Horzdun, Bayou La Batre
07/01/2024 @ Zarautz - EH (Hiruputzu Gaztetxea) w/ Money

10/12/2023 @ Durango - EH (Durangoko Azoka)
18/11/2023 @ Sara - EH (Keinu Gela - Xareta Kontrol) w/ Zetkin, Oki Moki, Ztah
04/11/2023 @ Bilbo - EH (Deustuko Gazte Lokala - Soinu Basatiak) w/ Arakil, Eje, Vibora
30/09/2023 @ Olheta - EH w/ Ztah
14/07/2023 @ Onati - EH (Antixean Gaztetxea) w/ Horzdun
30/06/2023 @ Irisari - EH (EHZ)
27/06/2023 @ Biarritz - EH (Atabal) w/ Alea Jacta Est, Hatebreed
03/06/2023 @ Vannes - FR (Le Barailleur) w/ Murmansk
02/06/2023 @ Tours - FR (Canadian Cafe) w/ Murmansk
06/05/2023 @ Larzabale - EH (Pagolateia)
29/04/2023 @ Marseille - FR (La Salle Gueule)
28/04/2023 @ Toulouse - FR (La Loupiote)
25/03/2023 @ Maule - EH (Zinka) w/ Zikin
18/02/2023 @ Itsasu - EH (Gaztetxe) w/ Zetkin
28/01/2023 @ Seignosse - FR (Wharf) w/ Tzar

30/09/2022 @ Elizondo - EH (Nekazalpunk)
18/12/2021 @ Beasain - EH (Gaztetxea)
13/11/2021 @ Akotz - EH (Donibane Ziburuko Gaztetxea) w/ Yarotz, Missile, Sunk, Ben & Fist, Colision
04/10/2019 @ Hossegor - FR (Art n' Clothes) No Future No Winter Part II
09/03/2019 @ Bordeaux - FR (Void) Bordal Fest w/ Real Deal, Fat Dead Shit, Woodwork, Circles
19/01/2019 @ Miarritze - EH (Atabal) w/ Anestesia, Estricalla

03/11/2018 @ Lorient - FR (Le Galion) w/ We Hate You Please Die
02/11/2018 @ Angers - FR (L'Etincelle) w/ Henchman, Grand Master Krang, Double Poney
01/11/2018 @ Paris - FR (Le Cirque Electrique) w/ Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, Hard To Handle
31/10/2018 @ Douai - FR (Taverne Les Grès) w/ Jodie Faster, Veto
30/10/2018 @ Tours - FR (Canadian Cafe) w/ Bitpart, Mary Bell
14/07/2018 @ Garazi - EH w/ Mss Frnce
13/07/2018 @ Donostia - EH (Mogambo Trintxerpe) w/ Mss Frnce, Ira et Decessus, Paniko
07/07/2018 @ Baiona - EH (Sankara Ostatua)
06/07/2018 @ Bordeaux - FR (Void) w/ Red Death, Foreseen, Bombardement, Angoisse, Kamorrah

27/10/2017 @ Izarra - EH (Meraki Fest, Izarrako Gaztetxea) w/ Drei Affen, Desorden, Gaitze, Tenue, Marmol, Frantzeska, Oki Moki
27/10/2017 @ Baiona - EH (Le Magneto) w/ Estricalla, Iron Fist, Carne
29/07/2017 @ Baiona - EH (Baionako Bestak Patxoki Ostatuan)
18/02/2017 @ Bergara - EH (Tapoi Fest VI, Bergarako Gaztetxea) w/ Criatura, Metralleta, Screaming for change, Colapso, Drop
18/06/2016 @ Laudio - EH (CSO Orbeko Etxea) w/ Un dia de Furia, Entropiah, Sub Rats
23/01/2016 @ Zarautz - EH (VI Defenestre Fest) w/ La Casa Fantom, Ultimo Gobierno, Khmer, Auxilio, Despenaperros, Roble, Total Arse, Hilkar

16/10/2015 @ Durango - EH (Sapuetxe Gaztetxea)
18/09/2015 @ Baiona - EH (Le Magneto) w/ Gasmask Terror, Infest
25/07/2015 @ Elizondo - EH (Baztango Gaztetxea) w/ On, Norte Apache
16/07/2015 @ Miarritze - EH (Atabal) w/ Terror
03/07/2015 @ Lekorne - EH (Euskal Herria Zuzenean Festibala)
02/07/2015 @ Ortigueira - ES (Pazo De Riomaior)
01/07/2015 @ Barcelos - PT (Xispes Bar Rio)
30/06/2015 @ Vigo - ES (CSO A quinta da Carmina)
29/06/2015 @ Setubal - PT (Casa Ocupada de Setubal Autogestionada) w/ Los Empty Heads, Officer Dick
28/06/2015 @ Salamanca - ES (13 Monos)
27/06/2015 @ Madrid - ES w/ Criatura, Ddinamita
26/06/2015 @ Zaragoza - ES (AVV Arrebato) w/ Looking For An Answer, Solos En El Bosque
25/06/2015 @ Barcelona - KAT (Puerto Hurrako Bar) w/ The Outsiders, Irascible
24/06/2015 @ Toulouse - FR (Connexion Live) w/ OFF!
23/06/2015 @ Bordeaux - FR (IBoat) w/ OFF!
21/06/2015 @ Baiona - EH (Patxoki) w/ Estricalla, Voltaia, Torii
22/05/2015 @ Kanbo - EH (IpEH Antifaxista Festibala, Gaztetxean) w/ Los Fastidios, Rude Pride

18/07/2014 @ Donapaule - EH (Aldaka Gaztetxea)
21/06/2014 @ Baiona - EH (Sankara Ostatua) w/ The Lookers, Mushroom Caffeine
21/03/2014 @ Akotz - EH (Donibane Ziburuko Gaztetxea) w/ Estricalla, Gasmask Terror, Ed Warner, Radhammer
24/07/2013 @ Baiona - EH (Kixkil Ostatua)
26/06/2013 @ Donostia - EH (Mogambo Trintxerpe) w/ Koenigstein Youth
22/06/2013 @ Laudio - EH (CSO Orbeko Etxea) w/ Chivo, The Crow Farm, Amankomun
21/06/2013 @ Baiona - EH (Patxa Plaza) w/ Degraded, Hondartzako Hondakinak
05/06/2013 @ Miarritze - EH (Atabal) w/ Alea Jacta Est, Hatebreed
28/05/2013 @ Zarautz - EH (Putzuzulo Gaztetxea) w/ Bi Marks
27/05/2013 @ Bordeaux - FR (Heretic Club) w/ The Enterprise, Bi Marks
09/03/2013 @ Donostia - EH (Mogambo Trintxerpe) w/ El Punto Devil, Criatura, The Crowd, Managaitz
08/03/2013 @ Baiona - EH (Kixkil Ostatua) w/ El Punto Devil
22/02/2013 @ Bordeaux - FR (Athénée Libertaire) w/ Degraded, Tape Or Die, Decadent Social Klass
09/02/2013 @ Uztaritze - EH (Hitz Open Gaztetxea) w/ Yaw

09/11/2012 @ Miarritze - EH (Atabal) w/ Menace
04/11/2012 @ Bordeaux - FR (Athénée Libertaire) w/ The Enterprise, Strong as Ten, The Sioux
03/11/2012 @ Markiña - EH (Akerbeltz Gaztetxea) w/ The Enterprise
02/11/2012 @ Eibar - EH (Gaztetxea) w/ The Enterprise
31/10/2012 @ Lasa - EH (GaGa Gaztetxea) w/ The Enterprise
29/10/2012 @ Montpellier - FR (Up & Down) w/ The Enterprise
06/10/2012 @ Sorogain - EH
05/10/2012 @ Hossegor - FR (Café de Paris) w/ Menace
29/09/2012 @ Seignosse - FR (Gathering Blitzkrieg Machines, Cream Café)
22/09/2012 @ Baiona - EH (Kixkil Ostatua) w/ Gameboy Physical Destruction
11/08/2012 @ O'Grove - ES (III Festival A Figheira Do Meco) w/ Inu
10/08/2012 @ Valladolid - ES (CSA La Nave)
09/08/2012 @ Palencia - ES (La Cueva Palentina)
08/08/2012 @ Mostoles - ES (CSOA La Casika)
05/08/2012 @ Gasteiz - EH (Kaxkabarra Taberna)
04/08/2012 @ Torello - ES (Eclectic Club)
03/08/2012 @ San Feliu de Guixols - Katalan Herria (Xiringuito Atzavara Club)
21/06/2012 @ Baiona - EH (Patxa Plaza) w/ Menace, The Enterprise, Infest, Selenite
09/06/2012 @ Bera - EH (Kaxerna Gaztetxea) w/ Menace
26/05/2012 @ Soraluze - EH (Gaztetxea) w/ The Enterprise, Humilitate
25/05/2012 @ Laudio - EH (CSO Orbeko Etxea) w/ The Enterprise, I am a curse, René Binamé
13/04/2012 @ Baiona - EH (Kixkil Ostatua) w/ Shock
23/03/2012 @ Bordeaux - FR (Heretic Club) w/ The Rodeo Idiot Engine, Infest, AntiFun Krieg, Amarzakill
29/12/2011 @ Baiona - EH (Kixkil Ostatua)
18/11/2011 @ Miarritze - EH (Atabal) w/ The Enterprise, The Rodeo Idiot Engine
11/11/2011 @ Akotz - EH (Donibane Ziburuko Gaztetxea) w/ AntiFun Krieg, Hondartzako Hondakinak

Kuma No Motor fast punk hc hardcore d-beat baiona euskal herria bayonne pays basque

Email : info(at)kumanomotor.com